ragnarok hack

New hack is out! Zeny Duper! Working with all eAthena.

  • A Merchant to open a store.
  • A PRIVATE SERVER (do not ask for hacks to the official server, we will not provide them anymore since it could get us in serious problems).
  • A friend, or you can dual clienting.

With this hack, you can insert items for sell with negative price! You add an apple to sell for -100000000 zeny, and your friend, or another character in another account you have (if you are dual clienting) will gain that amount of zeny by completing the purchase! (YES, your Merchant cash will go down to 0!)
  • Install Instructions: This is simply a different .bin file that you replace your original one(I recommend changing the name of the original one, to use later when you dont want to be using the hack!) it is called NAME_OF_THE_SERVER.bin and imagine you want to use it in RebirthRO, just rename to RebirthRO.bin (or whatever the .exe is called) - It was tested by VirSCAN.org (with 37 tests, it's totally clean), and you can see the test here, or test it yourself before installing! (we don't want anyone insecure ragarding keylogers or stuff like it! this isn't an executable to steal your passwords, and it won't try to connect to anything!

MAKE 2 NEW accounts to do this! Then delete your merchant account after its done, and dual cliente to transfer the money from your rich account to your main one! ALWAYS USE PROXYS to reduce the change of caught (optional), and when transfering the money from Rich account to main account, do that trough a sale! (SO, Actually give some shitty item in return for that amount of money, and do it several times with max trading zenys around 100k zeny to stay off the radar!)


Rapidshare - LINK BROKEN! AGAIN! STOP REPORTING OUR LINK! We will upload it soon!

rRO (Rebirth RO) - Working 80% - Sometimes you get D/C when making purchases with really high negative values.
KRO - EliteKingdomRO - Working 100%
LimitRO - Same situation of rRO (probably due to the eAthena server version)
DreamerRO - Working 100%
ZetaRO - NOT WORKING (they patched it, we will try to go around in next version)
TalonRO - NOT WORKING (probably patched also, or special encryption in packages)
XenaRO - NotWorking after 28/October - UPDATE: Fixed, working again!

Please post in comments if you tested in a different private server, telling if it's working or not.